Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 46: Je ne sais pas. / I don't know

So today was a day just like any other Wednesday. Three classes - Lit., History, and Poli. Sci.
Then after that, the chorale.

I take the bus every week to the chorale practice. But today was more interesting. French people on the bus chatted with me. Asked me where I was from, told me I can thus speak English very well, asked me where I was headed on the bus, told me she had visited London, etc.

Returned chez moi and ate dinner in front of the tv because there was a very good documentary on about sites in Paris.

So things I've learned/love/find interesting about France:
1. Baguettes are cheap and delicious.
2. Food is fresh, almost always.
3. Weather here is a lot like New England weather, it changes constantly. Online can predict 60% chance of rain, and it will end up to be 60s and sunny.
4. French often can't differentiate between a British accent and an American accent. When they ask you if you speak English, you always need to clarify that you're from the States, not England.
5. Fruit is super cheap. I can literally purchase 6 clementines for under a euro.
6. The french know all about American politics.
7. At least two-thirds of the songs on the radio are in english. They play Lady Gaga and Kesha a lot. It's kind of obnoxious.
8. The stereotype about french people having B.O. is true. But I think I've figured out why - they bike everywhere, and fast!
9. However, the stereotype about french people being rude I have found to be false. Probably 90% of the people I've encountered have been polite and helpful, sometimes even more friendly than people in the US.
10. French fashion is awesome and unique! I wish I could replicate it. ... I try, and can get some of it, but I think you have to be french to fully pull it off.

C'est tout!

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