Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 58: Je suis très occupée./I am very busy.

List of things that amuse me about France:
1. They love Westerns and often use Westerns as their model for what the United States looks like.
2. They all love Obama.
3. They call hamburgers steak.
4. Healthy food is cheap.

List of why I am busy:
1. Travel plans for myself
2. Applications for summer stuff
3. A class presentation on Wednesday
4. Bad weather makes me unmotivated so it takes longer to accomplish tasks.

List of what I did today:
1. Stayed inside this morning finishing up homework. It is much quieter, and thus easier and more efficient, at home than at the Institute.
2. Went to classes (history and poli. sci). Got back one of my midterms. Did well! :-)
3. Ate dinner then watched the météo and a Western (The Cheyenne) with Claudie.
4. Worked on a task from my "list of reasons why I am busy"

List of reasons why I did lists for today's blog:
1. Not a lot happened.
2. It's late.
3. I'm tired.
4. I'm busy.

À bientôt!

1 comment:

  1. 1) I object to the over-generalization of the French. They cannot possible all like Obama.
    2) Yay travel plans! (come here)
    3) I'm proud of you doing well in those tough French classes.
    4) I really enjoy lists.
