Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 1: Post-Travel Adventures

This is my first time blogging, so I apologize if I break some unknown code of conduct for blogging that I'm as of yet aware of.

So I've arrived safe and sound, but tired, in Avignon. After many trials and tribulations on my "travel adventures" (the title I've decided to give to the day that was my trip here), I got to come to the home of my host family.

I love my room...It has a "lofted" bed, (as seen in the picture) which makes me feel like a little kid, climbing up the ladder and snuggling under the covers. There is a whole "platform" for the bed, with two mattresses - one for me, and the other (per my host mom) for a friend if I have someone over.

The student here before me left her parapluie (read: umbrella, in english) which is perfect since I didn't bring one with me! Also, there are tons of books - french grammar & vocab and novels in French and English.

Meals have been great so far. When I arrived the first night, my host mom re-heated dinner for me because she had tried to wait to eat with me but then got too hungry. I don't blame her - normally she eats at 8pm and I didn't arrive until after 10pm. For dinner, ate rice with Indian Chicken with a side of lentil soup. For lunch the next day, I had salad and pizza with salmon and olives.

I anticipate many great things to come during my time abroad.
I realize that I am posting this much after the day that I am writing about, but that's because I've been busy "being" in France.

PS: Props to Chris Flint for inspiring my blog's name with his blog: A "Dip" in Brit.

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