Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 19: Je fais du shopping...demain./I'm going shopping...tomorrow.

Woke up this morning (feeling like P.Diddy - in reference to a current pop song by Kesha). Got to sleep in and take a shower before class. Had kiwi, a banana, and a clementine (which was nearly the size of an orange!) for breakfast.

After class (Literature), I went to a little shop/cafe to get a baguette. The owner/man behind the counter spoke english (and french) and had a British accent! So many languages/dialects rolled up into one. Went back to the Institute and had what I have now begun to call "my picnic of a lunch" because I carry out all my food in my huge reusable grocery bag at lunch time.

Started researching places to go and to travel. I have begun to aimlessly google search for historical sites and the top places in Europe to travel to and then have been narrowing down my list as well as looking for travel buddies.

I started looking into what course I want to take. I spoke with one of the students who was here last semester as well (and who took a course at the University last semester and is doing it again this semester) about how to go about signing up for a class and if she could recommend a course. She told me that University classes won't start until around the 20th of February, and this week professors have just begun to finalize grades, so I still have a while yet until the schedule for courses will be posted. This bodes well for me in terms of scheduling because I will get my major 20 minute presentation for Poli. Sci. completed before I start the (what is sure to be very difficult) class at the University.

Had sausage and potatoes/peas/green beans for dinner with an "apple crisp/tart compote" for dessert a little while later. Michel and Claudie have a gathering ("réunion") for his organization tomorrow night, so they told me I could have some friends over to cook dinner.

We watched some french film that was almost completely dependant on dialogue and with very little visual assistance in terms of understanding the plot of the movie. I had major trouble following it. Then we watched a movie "Agents Secrets," which I could follow better, but was still a bit confusing. I find it a bit bizarre that I can better understand movies that are dubbed in French than movies that are actually in French. ... Weird.

Anyway, the end of January brings the end of sale season in France, so tomorrow I will be going shopping for some boots (and maybe a suitcase if I can find one, since mine broke on the way to France)!

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