Today I had my Literature class entitled "L'Experience de la Traversée" or "In Search of a Cultural Approach to the Other through the Experience of New Territories". It will be interesting to see how much the French professors adapt their teaching styles to the way professors teach in the US though it will be hard to tell because I won't have had the same professors for "French style" classes. I am excited to get rolling with other classes. It was nice to have one class today but I would like to "get rolling" and be as surrounded by French as possible.
All my paper work for my visa, insurance, etc is now completed! That process was so frustrating and nerve wracking, I'm glad it's finally done.
I went to the super-marché (super market) to buy food for lunches during the school week. I bought my first baguette in France along with ham and cheese to make myself sandwiches. I look forward to exploring other foods that are in France. ... Near the apple sauce, I think I also saw "peach sauce" and "strawberry sauce" though I will have to look closer next time I go to the grocery store.
Before the building my program is in belonged to my program it was actually a church or more specifically (according to my program's website), it was a "13th Century Chapelle St. Antoine". My director showed us in her office - and I've found them elsewhere in the building -- these kind of engravings on the wall that monks or priests (whoever was using the church) made on the walls.

When I started writing this, I was one of two people in the room and therefore didn't feel awkward taking pictures (because so was the other girl!). The pictures above and below posted here are the pictures that I took. They are pictures of the student "library" or "study lounge". The above picture is of one of the engravings.

Right now, Avignon seems to be "coming alive" again after all the snow had shut down much of the city. It is sunny, and dare I say, almost warm outside right now. More cars are out, the snow is melting, and I actually saw a "baby" plow construction-like vehicle with the plow was up, but dropping salt - or something like it- on the roads. Hopefully this will help!
In a little while I will probably return home to my host family. It has been fun doing things with her after dinner. I always offer to help with dinner but I always seem to come very late. I keep asking if I can do anything to help, and finally last night, she gave me a sponge to wipe down the dinner table. After dinner last night, we watched a tv show called "Une Famille Formidable" - it was really funny and hope to maybe watch it again with her sometime.
Bises. (Kisses.)
Bonjour, princesse! J'ai un blog, maintenant, aussi! Et j'aime ton "layout" - comment tu l'as fait?