Since last writing the following things have transpired:
- Went to Bath, England and v
isited with Annie, Christine, Terry, and Chris - F&M International Rendez-Vous
- Flew into Toulouse (returning from Bath) and had my first run in with French strikes (les mouvements nationaux or les grèves). A nice French woman also headed back to Avignon guided me through the process of navigating the transportation system.
- Went to Cassis (pronounced Cah see) where it was nice the first day but rainy the other two days. We went on a boat excursion and saw the calanques, which is primarily what Cassis is known for. It's these huge cliffs carved out along the coast line. I think they would have been prettier if it had been nicer out. We met some people from Washington state who we ran into again at the train station.
- Encountered more issues because of les mouvements nationaux, but worked through them like champs. My wish for this week is that they end soon.
- Sam arrived on Thursday evening, also after a debacle with her train because it was canceled and she had to find another that was going to Avignon.
- We went to Avignon sites first (Palais des Papes, Le Pont, and Les Halles), to Nîmes -where we saw a bull "fight" training/technique competition for free in the Roman arena, but weren't able to make it to Pont du Gard because of the strike (we are going to try to find a bus there on Monday morning).
- Tomorrow, we are headed to Marseille to see the Mediterranean!
Hope you and Sam have a wonderful time!