Ce que me manquerai quand je retour aux Etats-Unis...
- la nourriture: les repas de Claudie, les baguettes, les fruits, les legumes, le vin, la glace italienne, le café,
- Il fait beau maintenant en Avignon (au moindre 70 degres F!)
- Qu'un bouteille de bon vin ne coute pas très cher.
- Ma famille d'accueil (Claudie, Michel, et Woody)
Je suis encore confondue...
- Pourquoi "Microsoft Word" n'a pas appris que j'écris en français?
- Les differences entre des phrases et des verbres comme Bonsoir/bonne nuit, si/oui, dormir/se coucher. Je croyais que je les ai compris, mais il y a quelques jours, j'ai constaté que je ne les ai pas compris, pas de tout!
Ce que je n'aime pas...
- Ma famille me manque
- Le Dunkin Donuts me manque
- Lady Gaga et Kesha
- les grèves! (qui se passe chaque printemps)
Things I Will Miss when I return to the US
- The food: Claudie's meals, the baguettes, the fruits, the vegetables, the wine, the gelato, and the coffee
- It is already nice weather here in Avignon (at least 70 F)
- That a bottle of good vin doesn't cost a lot.
- My host family (Claudie, Michel, and Woody)
I am still confused...
- Why the Microsoft Word on my computer doesn't remember/hasn't learned that I am writing in French?
- The differences between some phrases and some verbs such as Bonsoir/bonne nuit, si/oui, dormir/se coucher. I had thought that I understood the differences, but a few days ago, I realized that I don't in fact understand the differences at all!
Things I don't like...
- I miss my family.
- I miss Dunkin Donuts.
- Lady Gaga and Kesha
- Strikes ! (which happen every spring apparently)
Today it was beautiful weather again. I ate a banana, a kiwi, and strawberries for breakfast, sitting comfortably in the kitchen with the door to the patio wide open!

That was my only class. Then I made myself lunch and went up on the roof for a picnic of roquefort cheese, baguette, and salad.
Then, I returned home, opened the window in my room, charged up my computer for a little while during which time I recharged (aka, I took a half hour nap), then I went outside, sat on the patio, and did some homework.
Dinner was tarte, and some couscous like thing with a combo of vegetables - tomatoes, peppers, olives, and salad. Claudie and Michel decided to start composting after watching this movie about local solutions to global problems, apparently produced by the French equivalent of Michael Moore.
The volcano continues to cause problems and so does the strike. So clearly life as usual aka the status quo continues. :-)
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